When To Have Your Eyes Examined?

Most eye care experts recommend that you have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, depending on your age, risk factors and whether you currently wear corrective lenses. In Particular, if you see any signs from the list below or have a risk factor we recommended you go for an eye test.


Bulging of one or both eyes;
Dark curtain or veil that blocks your vision;
Decreased vision, even if temporary;
Distorted vision;
Double vision;
Excess tearing;
Eyelid abnormalities;
Halos (colored circles around lights);
Loss of peripheral (side) vision;
Misaligned eyes;
New floaters (black "strings" or specks in the vision) and/or flashes of light;
Pain in the eye;
Unusual red eye

Risk Factors

• Diabetes mellitus;
• Family history of eye disease;
• High blood pressure;
• HIV or AIDS;
• Injury to the eye;
• Thyroid disease-related eye problems (Graves' disease);

Note that: Good eye care starts with an eye exam. Eye exams are done to test your vision and screen for glaucoma and macular degeneration, two common, often age-related conditions.